Use AI to turn agents into all stars | Call Center Software

October 18, 2023 Minh Le

Your company is looking into new call center software, and your managers don’t have time to score every call from every agent.

In this video, I explain how your company can leverage AI to turn your agents into all stars.

Want my recommendations on the best call center software vendors? Click the button below and ask me today.

About Me

Mike Smith has been helping companies select the best telecom, WAN, security, and cloud services since 1999. He founded AeroCom in 2003, and has been the recipient of numerous business telecommunications industry awards, including being recognized as one of the top 40 business people in tech-heavy Orange County, CA. Follow Mike on YouTubeLinkedInReddit and SpiceWorks.


My son is super into baseball and he’s always trying to find ways to get better. Well, the number one way to get better is I give him a lot of objective feedback. Sometimes he doesn’t like it for me, but he gets it from his coaches and things like that. So objective feedback is really important, right? Like in your swing, you did this or you did that. And take a look at the video. Let’s look at the video of your swing. Well, why am I bringing that up? Or how is that any different than your company’s call center agents? So just like maybe there’s one or two people who don’t care. But most people want to be All-Stars at what they do. Right. So your call center agents are looking for that feedback. But how in the world will your managers ever have enough time to give them enough objective feedback on every single call to help them figure out how they can get better to spot those areas of improvement? So it definitely needs to be objective. It needs to be, you know, facts, fact based, but the managers just don’t have enough time. You maybe you have 100 people in the call center and your managers don’t have enough time to give feedback to 100 people all the time. So what do you do about it? Well, AI is changing that. And in this video I’m going to tell you how.

Reach out and contact me for my recommendations

But first, if you’d like my recommendation on the best call center software service providers, your company should be quoting, Reach out, send me an email, give me a call (714.593.0011). I love to help. I will help your company make a lot better decision in a fraction of the time. More information on that at the end of the video. Also, dial pad has been generous enough to sponsor our video that we’re making today with four That’s right for $50 Amazon gift cards. So each gift card. Yes, is worth $50 each. That’s $200 total. so for people who watch this video are going to get a $50 Amazon gift card. But you have to watch to the end of this video to figure out how to get yours.

AI Scoring

So we established in the beginning of this video that your call center agents want to get better. They want to become all stars. And your company wants your call center agents to want to become all stars. So everybody’s on the same page, right? So how do we get them? The objective feedback they need to really improve their game? Well, your company needs to look for call center software that has a high scoring. So what that is, is that after every single phone call, a guy is able to determine a score for that call. So it can score the call. Maybe you want to score from a 1 to 10 or 1 to 3, whatever you guys want to score ten being the best one being the worst, and it can base the score on a bunch of different things, like

  1. the greeting
  2. the account verification
  3. talking to the customer and updating contact information on the call
  4. see SAT scores
  5. wrap time
  6. follow ups
  7. handle time
  8. and transfer rate
Use AI to turn agents into all stars | Call Center Software

Managers using that score to give objective feedback

So and you might think of a couple other things that might be helpful for you to use for scoring as well. So those are the old ones, but those are a lot of different things. So I can look at all that stuff and determine a score for each call automatically so that managers can see those scores. You can maybe release those scores so that the agents can see them real time all the time. And we all know, hey, hey, if you see your own score, is that something you’re going to want to improve? So it gives a starting point for helping your agents get that objective data to become all stars so they can get that on every single call. And then maybe a manager can step in and give them feedback on their average score or things like that every once in a while. But at least every single call is captured. So, you know, maybe not just the bad call that an agent had once in a while is captured or the really good call once in a while it’s every single call that gets a score. really important on your next round of searching for the best call center software for your company, you want to make sure that you have on your checklist a high scoring.

Still confused? Reach out and contact me

I hope that helped a little bit. And always, if you’d like, my recommendation on the best call center software service provider that your company should be quoting. Reach out, send me an email, give me a call (714.593.0011). I’ve been doing this for over 20 years. I know the industry inside and out and based on your companies, require minutes, I can tell you which service providers your company should definitely be quoting you in my criteria. Number one is making sure that the service provider has a good reputation with my customers and within the industry for good service quality and good customer service. And then all the features are company needs and then all things being equal, the most competitive pricing. So by reaching out and contacting me, you’re going to make a lot better decision in a fraction of the time. And the nice thing is, is the service providers actually pay my company, my broker fee. So you your company doesn’t have to pay me at all.So there’s no excuse not to at least reach out and get my opinion on which providers you think that your company should be quoting. So reach out. Send me an email, give me a call. I’d love to help you. That’s what I do every single day.

Enter for a chance to win a $50 Amazon Gift Card

And now for the information you’ve been waiting to hear, how do you get yourself a $50 Amazon gift card? Well, I’m going to be giving up four of them to people who watch this video, and I’m going to be giving them out within a month after I post this video. So make sure that you get yours and all you have to do is, number one, subscribe to the channel. Number two. Put a comment down below and simple as that. I’m going to choose my favorite four comments to send out for $50 Amazon Gift cards courtesy of Dial Pad. So big thanks to Dial pad. They have a great solution and thank you to them for sponsoring this video. All right. Well, I hope you enjoyed the content. Thanks again for watching and I will catch you on the next one.

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