AI is a call dispositioning beast! | Call Center Software

November 9, 2023 Minh Le

Your company is trying to find a way for your call center agents to disposition calls faster, but without losing accuracy.

In this video, I’ll explain why AI is a faster and more accurate way to disposition calls.

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About Me

Mike Smith has been helping companies select the best telecom, WAN, security, and cloud services since 1999. He founded AeroCom in 2003, and has been the recipient of numerous business telecommunications industry awards, including being recognized as one of the top 40 business people in tech-heavy Orange County, CA. Follow Mike on YouTubeLinkedInReddit and SpiceWorks.


this positioning phone calls. It’s something that’s really important to call centers and it is essentially just entering in all the data of a call after the call takes place. So it’s something your agents do after the call. They go ahead and enter in, you know, like any type of note. So things like that that your company needs to know. It’s really important and it needs to take place in order for your call center to continually improve. But the problem is it takes a lot of time after each call for your agents to do it. And sometimes, you know, if you’re especially if you’re if you’re hiring and and getting a lot of new agents all the time within your call center, it’s hard to get that information exactly how you want it. Sometimes agents don’t enter the information in like they’re supposed to do. Sometimes they enter in the wrong information. So it’s difficult to get accurate and it takes a lot of time if you do get get it accurate. Right. So that’s the problem with calls dispositioning. But the cool thing is is a is changing that and I’m going to tell you how.

Contact me for my recommendations

First, let me interrupt if you’d like my recommendation on the best call center software service providers that your company should be quoting. Reach out and contact me by email or call me (714.593.0011). I will help you make a better decision in a fraction of the time. More information on that at the end of the video.

Chance to win a $50 Amazon gift card

Also, super cool dial pad actually sponsored this video and gave me four $50 Amazon gift cards to give away. So I’m going to give away for Amazon gift cards $50 each to people who are watching this video. But stay tuned to the end of the video to learn how to get yourself your $50 Amazon gift card. I know Christmas is coming up. It’s a great time to get a gift card, so make sure you watch to the end of the video to learn how.

AI Synopsis

So today, your company is trying to figure out a way to disposition your call centers phone calls without taking as much time. Maybe today you guys are trying to disposition phone calls and the information isn’t quite accurate. It’s hard to get your agents to disposition correctly, or maybe they are disposition incorrectly, but it’s taking way too much time. Your wrap up time is taking forever, so therefore you’re having to overstaffed your call center with more agents because there’s a lot of agents sitting there idle doing call wrap ups. Your company needs AI dispositioning

AI Dispositioning

What is that? Well, it’s like think of it kind of like a few sentences that a guy takes from your call. So AI will listen to the call and it will create like a three or four sentence summary of the call, including the most important topics, discussed the speakers on the call and their names, follow up items, hot topics, subjects, the things like that. All the important information from the call. It’ll kind of make a little synopsis of it within four sentences. It can also tag things like specific topics discussed, like what was the purpose of this call? What was the conclusion of the call? What are some follow up items that are needed for the calls, the things that you want to do? Basically all your dispositions and things like the tags and things like that AI can do for you and it can do it automatically on every single call. So that means after an agent gets off of a call, they might not have to do any dispositions at all. They can get right back on another call, you know, and you might think, well, what about I mean, is it truly accurate?

AI is a call dispositioning beast! | Call Center Software

Is AI disposition accurate?

Is it going to do it perfectly well? I’d say is your are the humans in your call center today this positioning perfectly? Probably not. So at the very least, AI can probably do as accurate of this positioning as you’re doing today, if not better, without taking any time from the agents and allowing them to take more phone calls. So for that reason, you definitely want to have this positioning as one of your items when your company is searching for your next call center software.

Still confused? Reach out and contact me

Speaking of which, if you’d like my recommendation on the best call center software service providers, your company should be quoting, Reach out and contact me or immediately ask you some questions about your company’s requirements. And based on that information, I will let you know the best 3 to 4. So service providers that your company should definitely quote, you know, companies that have the best reputation for service quality, customer service, have the best features that your company needs and has the best does the most competitive pricing, all those things being considered also introduce you to the best service provider reps at those companies and oversee the coding process to make sure your company gets the best pricing possible. So in essence, I will help you make a lot better decision in a fraction of the time. And the nice thing is, is I won’t charge you anything for my services. The service providers will pay my company my broker fee. If you find one of the service providers that you like and you buy from them, there’s really no excuse not to at least reach out and contact me and see what I have to say. So shoot me an email, give me a call (714.593.0011). I love to help you. I’ve been doing this over 20 years, so I really know the industry inside and out and it’s a lot easier than you trying to figure all this stuff out on your own.

Enter for a chance to win a $50 Amazon gift card

Okay, so You wanted to know how you can get yourself a $50 Amazon gift gift card as a reward for just watching my video? Well, all you have to do is, number one, subscribe to the channel. And number two, leave a comment down below and I’m going to pick my favorite for comments from this video within about 30 days after I post the video. And those four people are going to get a $50 Amazon gift card Courtesy of Dial Pad. So appreciate it. Dial Pad sponsoring the video and get yourself a $50 gift card. Hey, the holidays are coming up and everybody needs the money, right? So get yourself one. All right. Well, thanks for watching and I will catch you on the next one.

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