AI for Call Centers: How can AI improve Call Center Quality?

June 29, 2023 Minh Le

Your company is looking for ways to improve your call center quality and wants to explore AI for call centers.

In this video, I explain how AI can improve your Call Center Quality by improving your customer experience, tools for call center managers, and assisting agents.

Want my recommendations on The Best Call Center Software Vendors? Click the button below and ask me today.

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About Me

Mike Smith has been helping companies select the best telecom, WAN, security, and cloud services since 1999. He founded AeroCom in 2003, and has been the recipient of numerous business telecommunications industry awards, including being recognized as one of the top 40 business people in tech-heavy Orange County, CA. Follow Mike on YouTubeLinkedInReddit and SpiceWorks.


Man AI. Holy cow. That’s definitely the buzzword of 2023, whether it’s GPT or Google. You’ve definitely heard of AI in 2023, so I figured I might as well make a YouTube video on how I can improve call center quality because hey, I mean, this is a YouTube channel that talks about call center and call centers do have AI capabilities, so why not talk about it, right? Well, A.I. is actually been in call center software being used in call center software for several years. It’s nothing new to me. I’ve been talking about A.I. for a long time, so wanted to share some things of how I can improve the customer experience, how can how it can improve your call center manager’s job, and also how it can improve your call center agent’s job. So I’m going to get to that in just a second.

Ask me for my recommendation on the best call center software vendors you should be quoting  

But first, if you just like my recommendation on the best call center software that your company should be quoting the best vendors to quote the best technologies, to, quote, reach out and contact me, shoot me an email, give me a call (714.593.0011). I’ve been doing this for 20 years. I’m a broker for all of the major options out there. And I can make you I can help you make a lot better decision in a fraction of the time. And it won’t cost you a thing. So give that a try. If you’re not quite ready to reach out yet and contact me.

Check out our website’s custom built search engine

Another thing you could do is go to our web site I guarantee you’ve never seen a website like this in our industry. It’s super cool. You can actually in the search bar search for call center software and then from there on the left hand column you can actually filter call center software vendors by feature and then read reviews on those call center software vendors. And you can write reviews on them and you can also see videos, learn about them, things like that. And then when you’re ready, if you like, my recommendation on which ones have a good reputation, which ones don’t get some pricing on them, that’s when you reach out and contact me or just contact me if you have any questions. I’d love to talk about this stuff. As you’ve seen in all the videos, I’d love to help you.

How AI can improve Call Center Quality: For Customers

Okay, So how does A.I. improve your call centers quality? Let’s talk about the customer first. What features does I have out there to improve the customer’s experience? Number one, our chat bots. So if your company has a lot of calls coming in that where customers are just asking or people are asking the same questions over and over and over again, like what’s the status of my order or what are the total customer points I’m out today, things like that that can be answered really easily. You can get a chat bot that uses A.I. that actually does database dips into your database to pull real time customer information for your customers. So what that’s going to do, obviously it’s giving your customers what they want because, hey, let’s face it, a lot of people these days, they want to interact with a chat bot. They don’t want to call your company, they just want to interact with the chat bot to get simple information. So you’re giving them what they want and you’re giving them what they want faster and you’re not having to use people to do this, so you’re not having to add more people to your company to, you know, add more call center agents to just answer mundane questions that can be answered super easily. And also, you know, agents don’t like to have to look up that boring stuff. So those are just easy questions that can be answered without having to interact with an agent.

Enable IVR

Another thing that you can do when it comes to customer experience is use a voice enabled IVR. So we’ve all experienced this, right? So you can call in to like you call into your bank and you know, through the IVR, it’s got voice enablement and AI. So if you’re asking simple questions again, if your call center is getting a lot of calls to answer simple questions like accounts status or up to date balances of things or order status, those can answer be answered by AI and don’t have to be answered by people. So that’ll reduce your staff. Get customers what they need quickly without having to interact with people.So those are two ways I can actually help you in terms of the customer’s experience.

How AI can improve Call Center Quality: For Managers

Okay. From a manager’s perspective, a big thing I can do is analyze customer sentiment so it can really improve your the training of your employees. in making sure that customer’s can get what they want just by analyzing customer sentiment. Like, for instance, I can detect if somebody is very happy on a call, if somebody is being sarcastic on a call, if somebody is being negative on a call, I can detect those things and call center software service provider. Some can actually alert a manager real time as the call is taking place to maybe jump in on the call, barged in on the call and take it over and say, hey, this thing’s going south. Let me jump in. Or historical reports using customer sentiment, a manager can look up, I’ll calls that happened in the last week where a customer was really happy or really angry and things like that and just pick and choose the calls that they listen to. So this is going to revolutionize is the job of the manager, right? Because they can look up things like keywords that were used on calls or just moods that people were in and look at specific calls to train employees based on specific things. There’s no more searching through random call recordings to manage employees because picking that’s like picking a needle in a haystack, trying to find that one call that they really should have listened to is, you know, that’s that’s not going to happen.

AI for Call Centers: How can AI improve Call Center Quality?

Ability to train employees

So through AI really improves your manager’s ability, your call center manager, to be able to really train employees up and make sure things are being said on calls that shouldn’t be said or make sure employees are saying exactly what you want to say. You can also search for keywords like competitors names or maybe product names like, Hey, maybe a product is having a problem and you start to notice that that product name or that product number has been brought up 50 times in the last week. Something’s going on with that product, right? So it really makes your manager be able to manage very well as opposed to before where they’re just trying to find random things because they’re blind to what’s being said on the calls and they’re just having to pick random calls to listen to. So definitely can improve the job of a manager, which is going to eventually improve your customer experience and bring your company more profit.

How AI can improve Call Center Quality: For Agents

lastly, it’s going to change the job of your agents. It’s going to really improve their job. So what I can do is based on like keywords, it can pop resources for your agent. So say, you know, if somebody brings up pricing automatically, they can get a screen pop that shows pricing or somebody talks about a product, it can automatically screen pop resources on that product. Or maybe they mention a competitor’s name, it can automatically pop a battle card that describes how your product compares to that competitor. So I can really hear what’s going on on the call and automatically give the agent resources that they need to help them on that call without them having to search constantly for these things on third party applications.

My Recommendations

All right. So that’s how I can improve your call center quality. But again, if you like my recommendation, I’ll help you make a better decision and a lot less time. If you just reach out, contact me, shoot me an email, give me a call (714.593.0011). Let me know your company’s requirements for the call center. And I can tell you the best call center software technology that your company should be quoting and also introduce you to the best vendor is maybe two or three vendors that you should absolutely quote. And my recommendations are always based on reputation and our industry first and foremost. So I’m going to tell you, the vendors that have a good reputation that that have good service quality, that have good customer service, the things that you’ll never know, because every single vendor is going to tell you that they’re awesome, that they’re going to tell you their customer service is great, all that good stuff. Well, that’s not the case. I can tell you, I’ve been doing this over 20 years. I represent all the major service providers out there and I’ll make sure you get the best pricing, the best vendors, your will, you’ll work with the best reps at those vendors. And the nice thing is, on top of all that, the service is free. I don’t charge you a dime for my broker service, so there’s no reason not to at least reach out and contact me. The service providers pay me my broker fee so you don’t have to pay me anything. So at least reach out and see what I have to say. I might surprise you with some of the recommendations that I have.

Check out our website

And hey, that’s the reason why I do these videos. So that’s a nice way to say thank you to me. If you’ve got something out of this video, reach out and ask me for a quote. I’d love to help. If you’re not quite ready to reach out and ask for a quote, go check out our website And if you want to search call center software vendors, buy feature. You can do that just in the in the search bar. Go ahead and type in call center. Then once you get to the call center page on the left hand column, you can search the call center vendors by their features and you can look at each vendor, watch videos on them, read about them, read reviews on them, write reviews on them, which I would love, and check it out. So then at some point, though, you’re going to want pricing, you’re going to want some outside recommendations, and that’s where you reach out and contact me. Also, don’t forget to hit the like and subscribe and ring the bell. That’d be great. And thanks for watching. I’ll catch you on the next one.

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