Can our call center software use an AI-powered Bot (IVA), for SMS Texting? WebChat? Social Media?

April 11, 2024 Minh Le

Your company has a call center and you’re wondering if an AI-powered bot (aka Intelligent Virtual Agent or IVA), is just for voice or can we also use it for digital communication?

In this video, I explain which methods of communication an IVA can use, such as Voice, Webchat, SMS, and Social Media.

Want my recommendations on the best call center software vendors? Click the button below and ask me today.

About Me

Mike Smith has been helping companies select the best telecom, WAN, security, and cloud services since 1999. He founded AeroCom in 2003, and has been the recipient of numerous business telecommunications industry awards, including being recognized as one of the top 40 business people in tech-heavy Orange County, CA. Follow Mike on YouTubeLinkedInReddit and SpiceWorks.


So you’ve heard of the technology called Intelligent Virtual Assistant or IVA. But you’re wondering, is that just for phone calls or couldn’t you also use it over digital means? Well, I’m going to answer that in this video.

My recommendations

But first, if you’d like my recommendation on the best call center software vendors to quote for your organization, reach out and contact me. Send me an email. Give me call (714.593.0011). I’d love to help you. I love talking about this stuff. I’ve been doing it for over 20 years. It’s the reason why I do these videos and I will help you make a lot better decision in a fraction of the time. More information on that at the end of the video.

As always, don’t forget to go to our website. You could search call center software vendors and filter them by the features that they offer. And you can look at you can read customer reviews on them and you can watch videos on the different vendors. So good. Check that out. And as always, don’t forget to hit the like button. Subscribe to the channel, Ring the bell.

What communication methods can IVA use?

Well, you’ve heard about an intelligent virtual agent and IVA and you’re thinking, hey, that might be something our business could use, but maybe, maybe we can use it for more than just phone calls. Is it available for other digital communication methods? Well, it is. So you can, under the umbrella of IVA, you can use communication channels such as SMS, text messaging, MMS, text messaging, web chat, like a chat bot on a website.

You can also use it for email and you can also use it for social media. Things like Instagram, tok, X, all the different, you know, like WhatsApp. So if your company is, you know, got a good social media presence and you want to interact with people leaving comments on your company’s on your company’s page or tagging your company on social media, you want to at least have some type of an intelligent, automated, you know, response for that. IVA could be an answer for that as well.

Can our call center software use an AI-powered Bot (IVA), for SMS Texting? WebChat? Social Media?

Still confused? Reach out and contact me today.

So I hope that cleared that up. If you’d like my recommendation on the best cloud call center software companies, your company should be quoting ones that have a great IVA platform. Hey, send me an email. Give me call (714.593.0011). I’d love to help you. This is what I do. So why do these videos if you’ve gotten something from them? From the video. It’s a nice way to say thank you. Just reach out and see if I can help you. So as a broker, the way it works is if you reach out and contact me, I’ll ask you some questions about your company’s requirements. And based on your answers, I’ll tell you the best handful of vendors your company should be courting.

And why? I’ll introduce you to the best reps to work with at that company, and I’ll oversee the quoting process to make sure you get the best pricing from the vendors of your choice and the nice thing is, is the service providers pay me my broker fee so you don’t have to pay me anything. So there’s no excuse not to least reach out and see what I might have to say.

Also, don’t forget to go to our website You can browse call center software vendors, buy features like IVA, who offers IVA and you can read customer reviews. You can watch videos on them. All kinds of cool stuff. And don’t forget to hit the like button. Subscribe to the channel. Ring the bell. I would love that.

All right. Well, thanks for watching and I will catch you on the next one.

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