3 ways your company can use an AI-powered Intelligent Virtual Agent (IVA) to improve your call center

April 5, 2024 Minh Le

Your company has a call center and you’re wondering if an AI-powered Intelligent Virtual Agent (IVA) or bot, is something you should be looking into. But how should you start trying to wrap your brain around how your company can use it?

In this video, I explain 3 things IVA’s can do to help improve your call center.

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About Me

Mike Smith has been helping companies select the best telecom, WAN, security, and cloud services since 1999. He founded AeroCom in 2003, and has been the recipient of numerous business telecommunications industry awards, including being recognized as one of the top 40 business people in tech-heavy Orange County, CA. Follow Mike on YouTubeLinkedInReddit and SpiceWorks.


So no doubt you’ve watched my videos on Intelligent Virtual Agents IVAS and started to spark your creativity, right? I know it’s all about my videos, so you’re thinking about it for your company’s call center software, but you’re still trying to wrap your brain around exactly how should you think about your company using it? Well, I’m going to help you with that. I’m going to make it really simple. There’s three main ways your company can use in IVA solution for your call center. There’s there’s three different things you can do with it. And I’m explain those in this video. It’s going to really simplify the thinking. It’s going to get your get your brain kind of churning about ways your company can utilize and IVA solution.

My recommendation

But first, if you like, my recommendation on the best call center software vendors, your company should be quoting maybe the best vendors who have IVA. Reach out and contact me, Send me an email, give me a call (714.593.0011). I will help you make a lot better decision in a fraction of the time. I’m a broker for all the major vendors out there, and I’ve been doing this for over 20 years. More information on that at the end of the video.

 Also, don’t forget to go to our Web site Aerocominc.com on our website. You can browse call center software vendors and you can filter them by features that they offer, such as IVA. And you can read customer reviews, you can watch videos, do all kinds of cool stuff to help you kind of preliminary preliminarily research the marketplace and don’t forget to like and subscribe and ring the bell on this video. That will help me a lot.

What is an IVA

So if you’ve watched my video on what is an intelligent virtual agent and, the one thing I mentioned in there that I mentioned several times is intent and IVA solution is all about being able to quickly detect a customer’s intent and then solve from there. And that’s really what separates an Ivy from the old auto attendants of the past and the old, you know, virtual bots that were there were doing things based on keywords. It’s all about intent. Well, there’s three different categories of intent that you want to think about when it comes to implementing in IVA solution for your organization.

1. Transfer

The first thing you can use an idea for within your organization’s call center is transferring. So if a customer calls in or chats or sends your company a text message or hits you guys up on social media, whatever medium they use, maybe you want to get them to the right place as fast as possible. And IVA you can do that just by asking How can I help you today? So if the person automatically starts speaking Spanish, they know it’s a Spanish speaking caller and in Spanish they can detect and IVA solution can detect what that customer is trying to do. So they’re not having to ask them, what language would you like this and pick from this menu, you know, this, that, blah, blah, blah. So automatically, if it needs to go to a live agent, it goes to live agent. But is it billing? Is it customer service? Is it technical support? Is it sales to place an order? Is it an inquiry about an existing order? Is it an account balance? All that stuff can be detected if the person just explains what they’re trying to do today. And in one step they can get them to the right spot. So that’s the number one way you can use it for your company is just using it to transfer that communication to the proper place right away.

2. FAQ

The second way your company can use an IV solution within your contact center is frequently asked questions. So to answer FAQs. So whether it’s on the phone, whether it’s on web chat again, text message, email, social media, if somebody asks a question in IVA solution can answer that question without involving a live agent if it’s a frequently asked question. Right. So you guys should know, do you get asked the same questions again and again and again about a product or about what happens after I place an order or when should I receive information on my order? Things like that is frequently asked questions. Hey, I’ve got a question on your product. Hey, I’ve got a question on on your company, things like that. So an IV solution can answer frequently asked questions. So think about that. What questions are people contacting your organization to have answered that live? People today are having to answer time and time again, but it’s the same questions.

3. Self-service automation

Okay. The third and last category of intent that an IVA solution can help your company with is self-service automation. What I mean by that is companies or I’m sorry, customers that call in and need something like I need to modify my order or I need to check order status or I need to know an account balance. I need to you know, I have a billing question on a bill. So things that can be done, self-service that a customer could do on their own, it’s just simple little Hey, I want to place a little order, you know, do something very simple. That’s kind of the most complex thing you could have an idea doing for you, as opposed to having those people have to call in and have a live agent, tell them their account balance, or even worse, have an auto attendant tell it to them. But it takes them five steps to get there and IVA will get them there right away. You know the language they’re speaking. It’ll get them there right away. It’ll tell them their balance. It’ll tell them what they want to know it. Tell them the order status. Hey, your orders, you know, processing. It’ll be there in approximately two weeks or it’s been delayed and blah, blah, blah. So it’ll, it’ll do all that super quick. You’ll have a much better customer experience and you’ll end up getting more customers that way and have more loyal customers.

Which IVA vendors are the best?

So those are the three ways you can use. You can use IVA to help your contact center. I hope that was beneficial. If so, again, hey, if you like the video and you’re in the market for a new contact center solution or an IVA solution, reach out to contact me. This is what I do. My broker for all the major vendors out there who do this stuff. Send me an email, give me a call (714.593.0011). I’ll ask you a few questions about your company’s requirements. And based on your answers, I’ll refer you to the best two to 3 to 4 vendors that your company should be quoting. Because every company has a unique niche, every vendor has a unique niche. And so, I can make sure that that you get paired up with the right vendors who have a great reputation, who do a good job in this industry, who’ve really helped out a lot of my customers. I’ll introduce you to the best salespeople at those organizations. Also oversee the quoting process to make sure you get the best pricing on the vendors of your choice. And the nice thing is, on top of all that, I don’t charge you a dime for my broker’s services. The service providers pay me my broker fee, so there’s no excuse not to at least reach out to me, send me an email, give me a call, ask me what I have to say, see what I have to say, and, you know, take it with a grain of salt and see what you think. If you like it, I can give you some quotes.

Browse IVA vendors

And then go to the website, check it out. Aerocominc.com You can browse call center software vendors buy feature. You can filter them down by things like IVA. You can read customer reviews, you can watch videos, great website, go check it out. And as always, don’t forget to hit the like, subscribe and ring button. I really appreciate it. Thank you again for watching and I will catch you on the next one.

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