You’re looking for the best cloud call center software for your company, but you need it to come with a built-in CRM to disposition calls. Does that exist?
In the video below, Mike explains the features you can expect to find in a good, built-in CRM that comes included with Call/Contact Center software. He talks about features like customizable fields, real-time reporting, and call reporting.
Want Mike’s recommendations on the best call center software vendors to include in your quoting process? Click below to ask him today.
About Mike

Mike Smith has been helping companies select the best telecom, WAN, security, and cloud services since 1999. He founded AeroCom in 2003, and has been the recipient of numerous business telecommunications industry awards, including being recognized as one of the top 40 business people in tech-heavy Orange County, CA. Follow Mike on YouTube, LinkedIn, Reddit and SpiceWorks.
Okay, so I’ve been working with a couple customers recently that are shopping for call center solutions for their company, but they’re looking to have just a CRM light integrated or provided by the call center solution itself, meaning that they want to be able to disposition calls within the call center solutions’ database. They don’t want to integrate it with their own CRM. So I thought I’d make a video on it, because it’s something that’s coming up once in a while, and I think it’s worth making a video on, just in case some folks out there aren’t aware that this is available.
The Scenario
All right, so maybe your company’s looking into a call center solution, a new call center software solution for the business, or contact center solution as it’s now referred to. And the problem is your current ERP system or your current CRM doesn’t have the APIs to integrate with the new call center solution. But the ERP system isn’t going anywhere. You guys aren’t going to switch it out. It’s going to be here for a while. And the issue is that you still need to disposition calls that are coming in.
So the agents that are answering the phones or making calls, they still need to be able to select certain criteria to categorize the call so that you can pull reports on certain specific types of calls that are coming in, or you want to give your agents a better experience as they’re calling out or things like that. So you need the ability to have the call center solution include CRM software with it so that you can keep contact records of the incoming or outgoing calls.
Well, there are service providers out there that can do that. So I wanted to make a quick video on this topic.
Wanna know what Mike thinks?
But before I get too far ahead of myself, just a quick plug, if you’d like my recommendations on the best contact center solution vendors to quote for your organization, instead of researching it online a million times, just contact me on email or by phone (714.593.0011). This is my job. I’m a broker for all the major service providers out there, and within a few questions, I can actually pair you up with the very best companies to quote, and I’ll oversee the whole process, and it won’t cost your company a thing. So it’ll save you a lot of time and make sure you get what the right vendors, not the wrong ones. But more information on that at the end of the video.
Also, please don’t forget to like and subscribe to the channel. That would help me out a lot. I see that we’re already over 900 subscribers, so thank you so much for the support, and let’s keep it going. So the more subscribers we get, the more freedom I have with the YouTube channel and so forth. So I’d really appreciate it, and it also gets the videos out to more people.
Saving Contact Records
Okay, so as I said in the beginning of the video, maybe your company is looking into a new call center solution, but your current ERP system or CRM doesn’t have the ability to integrate with the new system, with the new call center software solution. But that ERP system isn’t going anywhere. Or maybe your company doesn’t have a CRM or doesn’t have an ERP system at all, and you just need the ability to save contact records from incoming calls and be able to disposition them, meaning that you want to be able to categorize what type of call it was, why they called, what happened with the call, have a call history for certain callers that are calling back several times, things like that. So you just need some basic CRM software included with the call center solution.
Well, if that’s the case, there are call center software solution providers out there that can do that. I like to call it a CRM light that they’re including with the package. So some solution providers out there will actually include the ability for you to save contact records and save different types of information on those contact records. So if that’s the case, you want to look for service providers that can do that. And some of the features they can offer is the ability to obviously save the customer’s name and company and contact information.

Call History and Custom Fields
They’ll also save the call history for that contact record. They’ll also sometimes allow you to customize fields for that contact record.
So say, for instance, your call center wants to customize the reason for the call. They want to have a drop-down so that the agent, when they answer the call, they can quickly categorize why this person called. Maybe you have five different categories that you’ve designated of why somebody could be calling and you want the agent to, from a drop-down menu, be able to quickly just disposition that. And also maybe a resolution for the call. What did the agent end up doing? What was the final result of the call? What happened? What action was taken? Or maybe you want the agent to take some notes on the call. Do you want to add some comments?
So some service providers out there will allow that so that you can add customized fields. And then from within those fields, you can search for real-time calls taking place that have certain criteria, or you can look at call history, you can search call history that meet a certain contact record criteria. So it allows you to do things like that with your contact records.
Call Recording
Something else that you can do, which is kind of cool, is if you need to record calls, you can also associate those call recordings with those contact records.
In Summary
So some cool stuff there. And I just wanted you to know that there are service providers out there who offer this. Not all of them do, but this is something that if you don’t have a CRM, or your CRM or ERP system will not integrate, doesn’t have APIs, there are options out there for your company where you can find a call center software solution that brings with it a CRM light so you can start to disposition calls. And when you disposition calls, you’re going to obviously have a better customer experience when customers call in, because you’re going to be able to train people differently. You’re going to be able to understand the calls that are coming in better, and you’re also going to be able to train contact center agents better and help give them a better experience when calls come in. So you’re going to have a longer tenure with your contact center agent. So overall, it’s a great way to make sure you are improving your call center software solution, your whole call center without even having a CRM.
Reach out!
I hope that was helpful. If so, don’t forget to hit the like and subscribe button. And also, like I said earlier, if you’d like my recommendation on the best service providers to quote for your company’s call center software solution, just ask me. Call me (714.593.0011), or shoot me an email! I’m a vendor. I’m a broker for all the major call center software solution providers out there. Within a few questions, what I’ll do is I’ll ask you a few questions and depending on your answers to those questions about your company’s requirements, I’ll tell you which vendors you should be quoting, and then I’ll pair you up with the vendors, make the introduction to the right rep at that vendor. And then I’ll also oversee the quoting process to make sure your company is getting the best pricing from that service provider.
And then if you guys decide to sign up with one of those service providers that I recommended, that service provider pays me my broker fee, so you don’t have to pay me anything and there’s absolutely no reason why you shouldn’t at least reach out to me. Give me a call, shoot me an email, ask me what I think about your company’s solution. All right, I will catch you on the next one.