This isn’t your daddy’s old call center software!
In this short video, Mike Smith explains why your IT department has to send the calendar invite (to demo new cloud contact center vendors), to your Marketing and Operations departments. Your call center is no longer just an IT decision… [whew!]
Want to ask Mike which cloud contact center software vendors your company should be quoting? Click below.
About Mike
Mike Smith is the Founder and President of AeroCom and has been helping companies with telecom and cloud services since 1999. He has been the recipient of numerous business telecommunications industry awards and in 2011, he was honored as one of the top 40 business people in Orange County, CA., under 40 years old. You can also hear him as the host of the popular Information Technology podcast, ITsmiths with Mike Smith. Follow Mike on LinkedIn, Twitter or SpiceWorks.
Okay, so your company is in the market for a new call center software solution.
Well, if you’re on an antiquated solution now, I can tell you that a lot has changed. As you probably already know, the technology out there is a lot different than what you have today. I really want to point out today a big difference in the technology, because I’ve run into this a lot. I’ve seen a lot of companies who are moving from an antiquated solution, and then they go to a new contact center solution and it’s a complete paradigm shift.
The biggest thing you have to keep in mind is you’re going from call center software to contact center software. And what that means is that, obviously, call center software only works with calls. Contact center software incorporates all channels of communication, meaning chat, email, website inquiries, social media, SMS texting.
Any way your customers want to reach out to you, you can incorporate into a contact center solution. So that’s totally different. And then in addition to that, the technology is so advanced with analytics and AI and workforce management that it’s really taken this decision away from just a pure IT decision. And this is more of an operational decision and a marketing decision than it is just IT. So what you really have to do when you’re looking at a new call center solution is you have to involve multiple people. I know it’s a little bit of a pain, but this decision really involves a lot more people now than just the IT department. It involves operations. It involves your customer experience folks. It involves your marketing folks, your branding that’s being out there.
It involves so many different aspects that you really want to take all those decision makers into the room when you’re doing these demos. It’s not just about doing a wall board and having some reports on average hold time. It’s about how many folks you have staffed in your contact center at all times. Are you really taking advantage of those people? Being able to put them on chats? What is your customer experience level and how can that drive revenue if you improve it? What are some ways you can save on labor costs? What are the things you can automate? Can you take folks that are in the call center right now and automate some things so that you don’t have to have as many people in the call center anymore?
These are all decisions that involve so many other departments than just IT, that you really need to bring all those folks to the table and talk about a lot more broad topics than just phone calls coming into the office. And if you’re not doing that, you’re really not taking advantage of the technology that’s out there, and your competitors will be doing that. So you want to make sure you’re taking advantage of the technology, you have it at your fingertips, and using it the best way possible.
That’s a brief overview on quoting call center solutions in today’s times, and contact center solutions. I hope that helps a little bit.
If you’d like my recommendations on the best cloud contact center providers your company should be quoting based on your requirements, reach out to me. Give me a call (714-593-0011), shoot me an email. Don’t spend hours searching on the internet. You’re never going to find the right companies. This is my job. I’m a broker for this stuff. I do this all day long, and I do not charge your company a dime for giving you recommendations. And I guarantee that your company will get the best pricing possible from the vendors I recommend. So there’s no excuse not to reach out. I’ll give you some great recommendations. Make sure you don’t waste time quoting the wrong providers. Shoot me an email. Give me a call. I’m happy to help.