What is a CASB SASE SD-WAN Solution

August 9, 2023 Minh Le

Your company is looking into SD-WAN services, and some terms you may have heard out there are SASE or CASB. You might be wondering is what is CASB?

In this video, I define what a CASB SASE SD-WAN solution is.

Want my recommendations on the best SD-WAN solutions that your company should quote? Click the button below and ask me today.

About Me

Mike Smith has been helping companies select the best telecom, WAN, security, and cloud services since 1999. He founded AeroCom in 2003, and has been the recipient of numerous business telecommunications industry awards, including being recognized as one of the top 40 business people in tech-heavy Orange County, CA. Follow Mike on YouTubeLinkedInReddit and SpiceWorks.


If your company has looked into SD WAN services for your network services, some of the terms you may have heard out there are SASE or CASB, and you might be wondering what is CASB? might have seen my other video I did on what is SASE SD-WAN  but Kazmi, what is that? Well, now we’re getting crazy acronyms everywhere right? So what is a CASB SASE SD-WAN solution? I’m going to tell you in this video.

To many acronyms? Reach out and contact me for my recommendations

But first, if you’d like my recommendation on the best SD win service provider that your company should be quoting. Reach out and contact me. Send me an email. Give me a call (714.593.0011). I’ll help you make a lot more educated decision, A lot better decision in a fraction of the time. More information on that at the end of the video.

What is a CASB SASE SD-WAN Solution

Chance to win a free hat!

Also, I’ve got a special offer for you. Leave a comment in the comments section below and I’m going to pick one of you to get one of these. Cool. New Era Aero Comm hats. So go ahead and leave your comment in the comments section below. That’s all you have to do. I’m going to pick one of you based on the based on the comments to win this hat and hopefully one of you will get it.

What is a CASB SASE SD-WAN solution?

All right. So what is a CASB SASE SD-WAN solution? Okay, so first, you might want to catch yourself up a little bit and watch my video on what is a SASE SD-WAN solution provider. So that’ll kind of help speed up a little bit. And you might want to go way back and watch what is an SD WAN solution. But let’s start with SASE SD-WAN. So there aren’t any official definitions for these things. So it’s kind of based on feel, it’s kind of based on every service provider obviously defines these things based on what their company offers, right? What SD WAN solution, their company offers so they can say, Oh, we have a CASB solution or we have a SASE solution. So they twist their definitions a little bit in order to fit their product. But since I’m a broker for all the major service providers out there, my definition, in my opinion, is the best one because it encompasses everybody.

Additional Security services with your SASE SD-WAN

Okay, so in my opinion, what is a cloud access security broker? It is a SASE SD WAN solution that in addition throws in additional security services.

Additional security services such as MDR, managed detection and response. So in addition to providing like a next gen firewall solution, like a sassy solution does, they go a step further in saying, Hey, we do things like manage detection and response. We can give you a managed sim, we can give you a managed SOC solution, we can give you managed endpoint protection.

So they’re going a step further beyond network security and going beyond that into other additional security services.

CASB is more than just SD-WAN

So that’s CASB SASE SD-WAN solution. It’s not only an SD WAN, it’s not only a SASE solution, meaning that they have network security, next gen networks and firewall security baked into an SD WAN solution. They’re going a step further and they’re doing things like MDR. They’re doing things like manage. SIM managed soc, so that would be a CASB solution.

Confused? Reach out and contact me

I hope that helps a little bit. Again, if you’d like my recommendation on the best CASB SASE SD WAN or SASE Solutions that your company should be quoting. Reach out and contact me. I’m a broker for all the major service providers out there. I’ve been doing this for over 20 years and I can help you make a lot better decision in a fraction of the time. I’ll pick you up with the best vendors you should be quoting or introduce to the best salespeople. I’ll also oversee the quoting process and make sure your company is getting the best pricing possible on the solution that they choose. All right. So just reach out, contact me, send me an email, give me a call (714.593.0011). I’d love to help you out. That’s why I do these videos. And hey, don’t forget about getting yourself one of these cool new era hats. All you have to do is leave a comment in the YouTube page down below and I’m going to pick the best comment and send you one of these free, cool high end new era hats with our Arrow logo on them. They’re really cool. They’re really good quality. Make sure you get yourself one. All right. Thanks for watching the video. I will catch you on the next one.

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