When are you the most productive?

February 27, 2013 Aerocom

A recent LinkedIn poll showed 50% of people thought they were the most productive from 9 am until 12 pm. 20% of people voted before 9 AM. Inside or outside the office, people like to get work done early. That’s when they are the most rested, concentrated, and feel like taking on the day. We can all admit that life has a way of making it hard to get to the office early enough to maximize prime efficiency hours. With the emergence of mobile and cloud technology, companies can allow employees to get their work done at all hours of the day.

Technologies to enhance workplace productivityI would encourage all business owners to make sure that they equip their employees with technologies such as hosted desktop, find me follow me phone call capabilities, work email attached to the cell phone, hosted video/audio conferencing, tablets, smart phones, cloud file storage and backup. These simple and affordable tools help make early morning emails get responded to quickly while having a bowl of cereal in your pajamas; not missing an important meeting because you got stuck in an accident on the freeway; not missing that important customer call because they called the office and not your cell number.

There is an ongoing debate between full time telecommuting and traditional office hours in terms of productivity. By adapting to just some of these cloud technologies, it allows companies to take a hybrid approach to get best of both worlds. This way can be good for both the company and the employee!

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