What kind of Dedicated Server is Impossible “Spin Up?�

December 18, 2014 Aerocom

A couple months back, one of our hosted infrastructure as a service (“cloud computing”) providers came into our office and did an in-depth training for our staff on their dedicated server offering. For the majority of the training, the provider’s representative ran through a slide deck on the same ‘ol stuff about Gartner stats, magical quadrants, 25 nines, blah blah blah…. but then I asked him my famous big question….

“Thanks _____, but most of this is pretty standard with all of the IaaS providers we represent. Out of all of your offerings, what feature or product is so unique that a Systems Admin will say “wow” when they see it?”

server-150x12150% of the time we ask that question, we get crickets… or at best, a lackluster answer. However, this time, I thought his answer was pretty good. So I’m throwing it out to you to see if it makes you say “wow.”

He said that the cool thing they can do that not many other providers offer is that they can “spin” up a single (or multiple), DEDICATED server(s) real-time, through an AUTOMATED system. They have invested in enough hardware inventory that they have everything on-hand and have even completely automated the process.

I thought this was great! Everyone can spin up a shared, hosted (cloud), server – but what if your IT department has several dedicated servers being hosted by a 3rd party and you just learned you need to add another? Typically, that’s a 1-2 week process, minimum. Being able to do it through an automated system and have it available immediately, just like in a shared environment sounded pretty cool.

What do you think about that feature?

What specific things do you doubt they can do?

I am not knowledgeable enough to answer that question as well as our audience, so tell me the next question I need to ask that provider!

Click the button below if you’d like a quote on a provider that can quickly spin-up dedicated servers for your company.


About the Authormikesmith
Mike Smith is the Founder and President of AeroCom and has been immersed in the business telecom and cloud industry since 1999. He has been the recipient of numerous industry awards and in 2011, he was honored as one of the top 40 business people in Orange County, CA., under 40 years old. Mike is passionate about simplifying the way IT buyers shop and select telecom and cloud solutions for their company. Follow Mike on LinkedInTwitter or SpiceWorks.

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