Using 3rd Party Applications with Microsoft 365

November 17, 2014 Aerocom

Office_365_LogoA common complaint that we commonly hear from those making the switch to Microsoft 365 is, “I cannot use my third party applications.”  Unfortunately, this is true. Custom applications cannot be hosted in a Microsoft data center. Exchange Online does not host custom code or third party applications. This includes files with .DLL and .EXE extensions, certain installable drivers, or any file that allows programs to share custom code for that matter.

If you are receiving error messages such as, “cannot find ____.dll” or “call to undefined dynalink,” you are experiencing this 3rd party application hang-up. Your files are likely being read as damaged, mismatched, or outdated. A possible way around this ugly error message is to go back and try hosting the 3rd party application via the Microsoft Azure platform.

If you continue running into the same errors or your application is incompatible with Microsoft Azure, here is something else to consider:

Most companies choose to use Office 365 because it is inexpensive. However, it is important to remember we live in a world where “you get what you pay for.” Office 365 inexpensive because it is a public cloud. Microsoft prohibits users from customizing this public cloud. If a user decides to install a plugin, everyone else on the public cloud can see the newly installed plugin as well.

Is it even possible to utilize 3rd party applications with Microsoft 365?

Yes. There is a work-around. A cloud provider, master agency, or supplier group will allow you to do so. It does cost a little bit more because these providers are required to pay Microsoft for the licensing. However, these providers will allow you to install plug-ins and add-ins, to customize and personalize your platform, as well as offer you a much superior support model. All of your data is segregated and partitioned in a private cloud. It’s all yours… and only yours.

Private cloud systems remove a number of objections we encounter in the public cloud model. You don’t have to worry about controlling enterprise and customer data, security is dramatically enhanced, and issues with regularly compliance are entirely avoided.

The benefits of utilizing a provider’s private cloud platform far outweigh those of lower priced Office 365 public cloud platform. Once again, “you get what you pay for.”

Click here for a quote on the best Office 365 solutions for your company.


Sources: Microsoft,

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