5 MDM Tips When Looking For The Right Plan and Provider

September 4, 2014 Aerocom


Since business is already mobile, you might feel rushed to join the MDM revolution. Don’t worry! You have time to choose your provider and plan at your own pace.

Mobile Device Management (MDM) is a service provided for businesses to control mobile devices such as tablets, smart phones and laptops for security purposes and business productivity. MDM is offered through various service providers and can be used in different ways for all types of business- and all sizes too! Before you sign the contract with a service provider you barely know, you should prepare yourself and your business.

Here are our tips on what you need to do before jumping to the MDM ship.











1. Discuss your MDM hopes with a peer

It is best to hear the results of MDM from the best reviewer- a business like yours. Your peers will tell you the good, the bad, and the ugly. They also will give you the best advice on which provider is working for them. MDM is not rocket science but you would probably want to hear a cheat sheet method of choosing a plan and service from someone who has already gone through the intro course.

2. Think about your clients/employees

Before you ask your potential users if they would want to have a MDM service, discuss the pain points and issues that can be resolved with MDM. The idea of MDM might scare them off if mentioned first without discussing issues that already exist. Maybe your employees have issues sending work emails from their mobile device or they cannot access documents or information from a laptop on a business trip. By having your employees or clients know the issues clearly first, you will be able to present the idea of MDM without the hassle of converting them. Let your potential users know that it is the best interest of the company and their overall security of their data as well!

3. Do the research (yes, we mean Google it!)

Like any new technology, you must do the homework to understand what it is and how it can help your business. Educate yourself by looking up terms such as mobile device management news or mobile device management pros and cons. Remember to filter the search to have the latest year information only and nothing more than 2 years old. Technology is always improving and you should not give your time looking at old information written in 2010.  (Here is some relevant MDM information)

4. Review the potential service providers

Just like the 3 tip, you have to do the homework in googling mdm service providers. You can google terms such as mobile device management service or mobile device management local service providers. These terms will give you both broad and specific local lists of service providers. You may learn about new service providers you never heard of or some common technology service providers that you didn’t know offered the MDM service. Reading reviews on the service providers will be helpful as well.

5. Team up with an AeroCom Genius.

Did you know that AeroCom can help you with all of this research for your ideal MDM service? By teaming up with an AeroCom Genius, you can save time on cutting down your list of service providers. AeroCom also has the ability to give you better quotes by quality providers. Also, you can have an AeroCom Genius bring in top management and engineers from the providers you choose so you don’t have to deal with the entry level salespeople. 

Secure your business and start your MDM search with AeroCom today!

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