What is the Difference? MPLS vs IPsec VPN

September 25, 2014 Aerocom

Still not sure about Multi Protocol Label Switching (MPLS) and it’s overall technology? There are competitive technologies to MPLS which may be better for your business. IPsec Virtual Private Network (VPN) is one of the commonly known competitive technologies that businesses choose instead of the MPLS network.

Both MPLS and IPsec (VPN) offer advantages and disadvantages based on your specific business needs. We have broken it down for you so that you can choose which technology best suites your business needs, with this brief guide.


A multi protocol label switching or MPLS is a router based protocol used for transporting data and freeing up traffic within your network on a system called label switching. Some users can run their MPLS on a separate network away from heavy internet traffic, or some choose to run their internet network over MPLS.


MPLS offers an improved network performance over other options. Due to the splitting and label switching of your data into different categories and prioritizing them that will provide QoS from beginning to end. Another advantage to MPLS is that it is a highly secure network choice. Due to the fact that the traffic is segmented from the other users on the provider’s network.

Disadvantage: There are different configurations of MPLS that vary from provider to provider. So you may end up paying more to connect your remote offices from location to location.


Virtual Private Network uses public telecommunication infrastructure to provide offices in different locations secure access to their company’s network.

They maintain privacy through what is referred to as tunneling protocols that cannot be entered by data that is not properly encrypted.

Advantage: is that your data is secure and safe due to tunneling protocols as it crosses the public internet by using encryption, although it is not known to be the most secure technology it is a good option.

Another advantage is that because it uses your existing internet connection it is the cheapest out of the other technologies to set up and configure and includes anywhere that you get broadband internet connection.

Disadvantage: VPN’s face uses the internet to get data from point A to point B which can lead to network congestion. This would lead to slowing down your network connection.  This is not an issue that you would face with MPLS. It is more complex to have a VPN network with its overall design. A VPN can also be unreliable since it is entirely based on an Internet connection from a service provider.

Still need helping choosing between VPN and MPLS? Team up with an AeroCom genius today! We will get you started with your two best bids for the perfect service provider.

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