Top 5 Benefits of Mobile Device Management (MDM)

April 1, 2014 Aerocom

Everyone has a smartphone or a tablet nowadays. Mobility is among all employees in the workforce and it has shown to boost employee productivity. Some of the challenges for businesses are security and management for this new generation of mobile workers. Mobile Device Management (MDM) allows business to gain productivity and control amongst their employees and their IT department as a whole.

Here are the benefits to having mobile device management in your organization:

  1. Financially, there are plans for bringing your own device (BYOD) so that companies will not need to spend on buying the same tablets for everyone in the office.
  2. There are cloud based MDM that allow business the power and security of on-premises tools without high licensing, deployment and maintenance costs.
  3. Simplicity of IT management with a single portal to monitor and control your entire mobile operation.
  4. Customization of attributes such as integrating existing email or tracking asset information
  5. Efficient and effective workers are empowered by the service since there is faster decision making and better customer service.

Mobile devices are here to stay. Develop a plan to manage them and your employees so that you can benefit from the new technology era.

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