MDM Tools for your BYOD Initiative!

November 1, 2013 Aerocom

5 things to help you find the right MDM tool for your BYOD initiative….

    1. Having a trial period

A trial period for an MDM solution is always highly recommended. A trial period is the time to test out the technical implementation and a time to test on mobile devices and laptops.

    1. Security Management

MDM security management has standard device security, such as passwords and authentication. You can let your in-place security standards drive your MDM search at first.  With this feature it can cut off access to your business when a user leaves the company or loses a device.

    1. Inventory Management

Inventory management remains, even under BYOD, because it controls the basic provisioning and support of mobile devices that are allowed inside your enterprise.

    1. Hosted vs. On Site MDM

Going with a hosted MDM will offer you the following:

      • Access to mobile security that might be out of reach due to your budget or company size.
      • On-demand subscription-based pricing you can adjust as your BYOD initiative expands or contracts in users.
      • The ability to focus on your core business rather than on mobile security.


    1. Policy Management

Policy management governs what level of access BYOD mobile devices are going to have for your internal business resources, such as financial applications, and basically any corporate secrets that are within your business.

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