Intro to Hybrid Cloud for the Non IT Group

August 4, 2014 Aerocom


You may be reluctant to join the cloud revolution. You may not consider yourself tech savvy since you are still trying to figure out cloud technology. It may also be the issue of security that [IS] dampening your excitement to migrate your data.This decision to delay moving to the cloud may be affecting your business’ growth since many competitors are already benefiting from the flexibility of cloud. Don’t worry – there is a solution for you!



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A Hybrid Cloud is a secure network that allows one to use both virtual servers and physical servers. This gives you the ability to have the flexibility of in-house applications with ease and scalability of the popular cloud services. Your IT team will have all the benefits of both types of cloud environment. This can lead your business to a more cost effective and productive future. The cost efficiency of hybrid cloud computing has revolutionized businesses everywhere. You will receive an economic advantage with the public cloud portion of your hybrid cloud network when you have unpredictable growth on workloads.

You will be able to expand capacity on demand without expanding your equipment which means no added capital expenditures. With this mixed cloud technology, you can have your sensitive data and information protected within the privacy of your internal servers. However, you will also have the web and application server of a public cloud in your network as well. This means you get the same benefits of what your competitors may have – flexibility and scalability!

Find the best Hybrid Cloud provider for your business, team up with an AeroCom Genius today!

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