Having DaaS Latency? Get More Bandwidth or Switch to MPLS.

October 27, 2014 Aerocom


Desktop as a Service (DaaS) offers significantly more user density per server. Therefore, IT departments are required to jump through a few more hoops to make sure everything is configured properly. If you find yourself running into issues of connectivity, here is one simple fix…

Increase your Bandwidth.

One of the most important questions to ask yourself is: how many employees are sharing your connection?

The average bandwidth utilization is around 100 kbps per session.100 kbps will suffice for the first 10 users, which is about equivalent the power of a T1 line. If the number of users increase, this does not necessarily mean you need more bandwidth. When ten or more users are sharing your network, it is important to remember not all users will be logged on at the same time. This consideration is especially relevant to you if you have employees working from home or across different time zones. After ten plus users, you will start to gain efficiency and have more capacity for spikes in usage. Once you have surpassed ten users, it is only necessary to plan for about 64kbps per additional user.

For a clear understanding of bandwidth configurations and the number of users they support, reference the table below.

T1 Line (1.5 mbps) 10 Users
Bonded T1 Lines (3 mbps) 20-25 Users
10 mbps (EVPLS) 50-75 Users
100 mbps (EVPLS, Ethernet, etc.) 100+ Users

Another key factor you must consider is: what other services are running over your bandwidth?

Do you also use Hosted VoIP or Hosted PBX? Do these solutions share the same connection as your DaaS? Each phone places a certain requirement on the shared connection, just like each DaaS user. If both of these solutions are using the same connection, more bandwidth may be necessary to host your phones.  However, you always have options!

One of the most valuable benefits of switching to the cloud is extreme flexibility

Utilize MPLS.

Instead of investing in more bandwidth, you may want to consider incorporating private IP routing with MPLS. You will completely eliminate latency and complications accompanied with public networks. Depending on your company’s needs there are always a variety of alternative decisions you can make to maximize your productivity and efficiency.

Still having a hard time with the Hosted Desktop switch? Let’s revisit the difference between VDI and DaaS and you will quickly remember why this switch is crucial to your company’s success.


Sources: AeroCom Inc., Ongoing Operations, NEC, UptonITServices.com

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