Are you prepared? Protect yourself with Hosted Desktop.

October 14, 2014 Aerocom


Wish you could safely and securely take your work files everywhere with you?

That moment when you are on a business trip and realize you do not have the file you REALLY need…

Turns out this important file that is going to make or break your sale is on the desktop of your work computer. Not only is that crucial file now on the other side of the country, but it is also inaccessible via your company’s Remote Desktop application. There is an IT complication that prohibits you from accessing your files. Great…

Or how about the time your kid is sick, your spouse is out of town and your career depends upon major project that is due by noon. You’re now stuck at home, dreadfully watching the spinning of wheel of death as your computer desperately tries to access your files from the company’s remote desktop application. The lag is failing you and you do not have the time for this. This cannot wait and you need access now. Even better….

We’ve all been there. We all know that feeling of impending doom these situations put in our stomachs. Well, life happens and your company’s IT department can have complications that take hours, or even days, to resolve. Company provided remote desktop application don’t always pull through; especially at crucial times like these. How do we best protect ourselves from these fatal mishaps?

That’s easy: protect yourselves with Hosted Desktop!

Hosted Remote Desktop, commonly referred to as Desktop as a Service (DaaS), is a technology that allows a third party service provider to host a company’s Remote Desktop application. DaaS offers an effective alternative to running this application on the company’s on-site server. With DaaS, the company’s desktop computers, laptops, tablets and smartphones all connect to the provider’s server via internet access.

Why have your Remote Desktop application hosted? What are the benefits to it being hosted?

You can take comfort in knowing that your files are sitting in a data center that has spent millions of dollars on redundancy and security. Your customers, remote users and/or additional sites are not dependent on the company’s server, power, equipment, connectivity, and staff. You can immediately access these critical files anytime, anywhere. Not to mention, you do not have to worry about any IT malfunctions getting in the way!

Oh, and it gets even better… DaaS provides you with many other benefits!

  • Lower IT facility costs.
  • More cash on-hand for other strategic initiatives. No more IT Cap-Ex budget-busters for server and desktop refreshes.
  • Better scalability. It’s pay as you go so you can grow and downsize quickly, without being tied to purchasing, upgrading or trashing infrastructure.
  • More strategic-focused IT staff. DaaS outsources extra work to a third party, allowing IT departments to focus on more important objectives.

David Downie, Director, Rowanmoor Group, says: “We’re a pensions specialist, not an IT business, so it made sense to hand over this complicated project to the experts.” His company received a $636,200 return on investment since implementing the Hosted Remote Desktop solution in 2006.

Interested now…? Check out this our Hosted Desktop video! Feel free to ask us about a solution that works for you!


Sources: Tech Target,, AeroCom Inc.,




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