Comparing Ethernet to Fiber in 5 Easy Steps

March 14, 2014 Aerocom

Having a fast and secure internet solution is essential for staying in contact with your clients and employees regardless of your location. Staying on top of what solution is best for you can increase productivity and is a necessity for the operational success of your company. Whether you are an Ethernet or Fiber fan, you may want to know the pros and cons of both to make sure that you are getting the best bang for your buck as well as investing the best solution to better your business long-term. Knowing the differences between Ethernet and Fiber is important and we are going to break it down and discuss five different areas that affect both, they include: Interference, Security, Speed, Fire Threat and Capacity and Bandwidth.

    1. Interference

Ethernet cables work through electrical signals, whereas optical fiber cables work through the transmission of light where interference from electronic devices won’t be a concern. Ethernet cables are provided with a “shielded” cable that will protect the cable wires from electromagnetic leakage and will help avoid any interference.

    1. Security

Data that is transferred with fiber optic cables are less susceptible to being intercepted, whereas Ethernet copper is more vulnerable to interceptions. Having Ethernet switches can help improve your overall security if you do in fact have Ethernet.

    1. Speed

Optical fiber has been previously known for being a faster solution until recently. As technology advances, fast Ethernet cables are able to provide data transfer speeds at a faster rate and up to 1000 Mbps.

    1. Fire Threat

Optical fiber cable is not flammable because it does not use electricity. Ethernet cable always has electricity present but is usually insufficient to cause fires.

    1. Capacity and Bandwidth

Overall Ethernet offers less bandwidth because fewer wires can be bundled in a copper cable than in an optical fiber cable.

For more information regarding Optical Fiber Strands or Ethernet cables, give us a call today and we will help you find the right solution with your preferred provider! (877) 465-3505 or visit our website to request a quote at

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