BYOD and It’s Impact on Businesses…Have You Joined the Movement?

October 24, 2013 Aerocom

BYOD or Bring Your Own Device, refers to the policy of permitting employees to bring personally owned mobile devices (laptops, tablets, smartphones, etc.) to their workplace, and use those devices to access privileged company information and applicants.

BYOD is making significant impacts in the world of business; with about 75% of employees in high growth markets and developed marketing already using their own devices and also making their employees more productive.

Since cloud services and mobile device management have created such an impact on the world of technology, this goes hand in hand with BYOD. By allowing users access to workplace computers and data through their personal phones, tablets or laptops, employees can optimize their work time and work from virtually anywhere at any time! With Mobile Device Management, get the control you need while giving your employees and users the experience they want. MDM equips all users with the device management and security platform needed for corporate and personal-level devices.

Thanks to MDM, employees are now able to work from any mobile device from anywhere in the world with access directly to their workforce computer!

When allowed to use their own devices, employees enjoy increased mobility, higher job satisfaction, and improvements in efficiency and productivity. It also benefits the organization for greater work optimization through multiple platforms and a cut down on costs.

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