Take Full Control With a Dedicated Server!

April 7, 2014 Aerocom

A dedicated server, or dedicated hosting service, is a type of Internet hosting in which the client leases an entire server – which is not shared with anyone else. Dedicated servers are more flexible than shared hosting because organizations are able to have full control over their servers including their preference on operating systems and hardware.

Included with a dedicated server is the web server, related software, and connection to the Internet housed in the Web hosting company’s premises. Dedicated servers are usually needed for web sites that develop large amounts of traffic – for example, a site that can handle up to 35 million hits a day. The server can usually be configured and operated remotely from the client company.

Dedicated servers offer organizations an extremely reliable service due to the fact that each server is for one organization and not shared with anyone else. In other words, all of the server’s resources go towards keeping your site up and running with the user having total control over the use of the server’s resources, increasing uptime. In addition to increased reliability, dedicated servers also offers complete, climate-controlled, and secured environment for your hardware. Instead of creating tons of space in your personal office, dedicated servers can be outsourced to a secure and safe server controller room where moisture will not affect your hardware.

For many website owners, one of the biggest benefits of a dedicated server is the control over all the hosting. When a server is shared between several businesses, the host cannot allow any of them to access to certain features. However, when a server is used solely by your website/business, you will be granted much greater access and can increase business flexibility.

All of these benefits combine to make dedicated server hosting a great option for any business. If you would like more information regarding this product or would like to hear pricing info. for dedicated server hosting, contact AeroCom Inc. today!

Dedicated Server Provider

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