Take Charge and Prepare for an IT Disaster

February 21, 2014 Aerocom

Worried about natural disasters or other problems that could potentially ruin or lose your data? This could be detrimental to you and your business especially if you don’t have a plan and are not properly prepared. By doing these simple steps you avoid costly repairs, and business loss.

IT Disaster Preparation

    1. Disaster Recovery In the event of a disaster you can rely on a new cloud service called disaster recovery-as-a-service, that is slowly becoming a popular choice and works like an insurance policy. Using your service provider that you prefer, you can replicate data to that third party using an application-based method, a host-based method or an array-based method. DRaaS plans will extend the organizations WAN service to their provider and then pay for a replica that is scaled-down to the current systems. DRaaS is an insurance policy for organizations to save capital and provide business functionality that is needed in case of a situation like a natural disaster.


    1. Data Backup There are two options you have in a situation like this. One of them is using the old fashioned tape service to backup your data or you could switch to the cloud where everything is on the internet. Although 82% of companies continue and will use a tape for their back-up how long will the tape last for? Using a tape for backups may seem inexpensive, and it could be depending on your situation, but you also need to realize there will be additional costs for a technician’s time, hourly rate, maintenance etc. Ultimately, with this day and age it may be more cost effective and beneficial to backup your data using the cloud.


  1. Create a workforce continuity plan In the event of a disaster, your employees could be stuck out of the office for days, weeks or even months. You can create a strong continuity plan with remote access for your workers to continue and increase productivity regardless of the situation.

For more information about what you can do to prepare for a natural disaster, or to begin backing up your data securely and efficiently, contact AeroCom today to speak to your account executive. (877) 465-3505 or visit our website at www.aerocominc.com

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