Aerocom Insider

Why the McKenna Claire Foundation?

You’re probably wondering why we as a company here at AeroCom decided to affiliate ourselves with the Mckenna Claire foundation. In fact, you’re probably wondering who even is Mckenna Claire? Well, I’ll let you in on the story. Mckenna Claire

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Will a New Focus for Google+ Lead to Success?

In the past years, there has been numerous of rumors that Google+ was going to be killed and no longer exist. When Google+ was first launched in 2011, I was told that it was going to be like Facebook, only

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Windows 10 just got EVEN better

We are all familiar with Microsoft. This past February, Microsoft acquired a new chief executive, Satya Nadella. Since then, Microsoft is now bent on bringing relevance back. With the announcement of the upcoming Windows 10 release, many controversies and questions

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Newest star at AeroCom

Hello, I’m Valeria the newest marketing intern at AeroCom. I am very happy and excited to be a part of such an enthusiastic and goal oriented team. I know I will fit in just perfect to such a great environment

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Two Great Companies Collide

I don’t think that I would ever categorize myself as an impulse buyer – I generally mull over my bigger purchases for a good while before I’m ready to fork out the cash. I mean let’s be honest, open wallet

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Title II Regulation Causes Uproar

You’re probably wondering what the new gossip is in the telecom world and I will have you know it’s quite juicy. The FCC has reared its ugly head like that parent that shows up at the party being thrown by

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The Newest Addition to the AeroCom Team!

Hi, I’m Satnam one of the new marketing interns here at AeroCom. I am very excited and honored to be a part of such a great team of people and I am looking forward to the experiences that await me.

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For Better or For Worse: Societal Changes of the Smartphone

Our best friend, our biggest support and our greatest source of knowledge… Our beloved, smartphone. As much as I hate to admit, I rely HEAVILY on my smartphone… It guides me to friends’ houses, reminds me of appointments, quizzes me

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SxSW – an Emerging Place for Tech and IT

As you’ve probably seen in your news feed, SxSW (South by Southwest) 2015 is in full swing in Austin, Texas. While most people know it simply as another hipster music festival featuring upcoming indie bands, SxSW has actually grown into

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What SIP Trunking Can Do for You!

Our February Tech of the Month spotlight is on SIP Trunking! Watch to find out the benefits and cost savings it will bring to your company. Cheers! Need an AeroCom expert to search the hundreds of SIP providers and tell you

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