Voice Broadcast

Send a Voice Message to a Bunch of People, at the Same Time

When you have a short message that you’d like to communicate to a large audience – what is the best way to tackle that task? Most companies don’t have resources to reach every single customer or contact in short amount of time. Rather than take your resources from profit driven projects, there is another way to instantly reach a large audience all at once.

How does it work?

Voice Broadcasting allows you to send a prerecorded voice message to thousands of individuals at one time. This is your chance to alert customers of breaking news. Whether you are calling an answering machine or a real person, you can be assured that your effort is not wasted. Your company’s message has been delivered, listened to, and pondered upon by its recipients. There is even the option of personalizing the information that is included in the specific phone messages you would like to have going out to your customers.

What’s in it for me?

Personalize Your Message. You will have the ability to have each recipient hear their name, company and any other information you want in the voice broadcast.

Ensure Consistency. Voice broadcasting campaigns create 100% consistent and uniform messages for your target audience. You can also rest assure that any messages will be delivered when you want it to.

Experience Interactivity. Allow recipients to listen to the voice message and use a phone keypad to interact with the system (for surveys, appointments, etc).

Ease of use. With voice broadcasting you are able to eliminate the uncomfortable nature of cold calling because you can record the message and create the option for the recipient to listen to it at their own convenience.

Increased success. One of the major benefits of a voice broadcasting service is the ability to get your message across in 30 seconds or less without adding pressure to the recipient to act on the information right away. They can listen to the whole message and soak in the information before making a decision rather than feeling pressured to answer right away knowing that there is a sales person on the other end of the phone.

Increased visibility. For those of you who have seminars on occasion and become frustrated with them gaining visibility and attention, voice broadcasting can aid in allowing you to use it to send out special invitations to these events.

Have your system do the things you don’t want to do. There are often a lot of different phone calls that need to be made but aren’t exactly the most pleasant. One example of this is the phone call to your customers to renew their subscription to your product or services which is usually about as painful as it gets. These calls are tedious and often times do not result in success. With voice broadcasting you can create an automated message with an option to connect to a live sales rep and renew right then and there.