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SCB Global is a leading provider of Microsoft Teams and SD-WAN solutions for the enterprise, delivering workplace transformation for the dynamic workforce. With 19 years of unparalleled experience providing cutting edge voice solutions; our long-established knowledge and experience make us the perfect partner to work with.

Although originally founded in 2004, SCB Global has been delivering industry leading solutions natively integrated into Microsoft Teams and hosted in Azure since early 2019. With 19 years+ telco experience and 13+ years of delivering Microsoft voice solutions, SCB Global has over 550,000 monthly active OPTO4Teams users globally.



Microsoft Teams is fast becoming the collaboration tool of the future world of work. SCB Global’s OPTO4Teams takes this one step further by combining our Cloud PBX capabilities to Microsoft Teams. We design, manage and rapidly deploy a customized Microsoft Teams solution to meet each unique business’ needs.


At SCB Global we understand how important customer service is to business success. OPTO4Contact cloud or onsite PBX contact center solution optimizes your contact center efficiency as it evolves into the future. With capabilities to deliver powerful and intelligent contact center features both within Microsoft features and outside of it. OPTO4Contact ensures that your agent teams are ready to take your customer experience to the next level, wherever they are in the world.


Networks exist to connect users to services and applications. That’s why SCB Global believes that a good network design should always have these services at its core. Our OPTO4Edge SD-WAN solution takes the distributed software-defined networking to an entirely new level by speaking the language of applications.


With delivering workplace transformation and hybrid solutions natively integrated into Microsoft Teams, SCB Global understand security is paramount for the enterprise to be able to continue operations working from anywhere, with the knowledge that access control, compliance and threat protection is taken care of.

For more information and pricing on SCB Global Teams Phone solutions, click the button below and ask Mike today.

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