Founded in 2012, CyberReef provides the first patented cloud-based SaaS mobile data bandwidth management and secure private networking solution. CyberReef services are built around their MobileWall MDM solution, which is a mobile firewall providing security, visibility, and control for their customers.
The first business challenge CEO Hilton Nicholson saw was the pain of deploying a mobile private network. Coming from a background in industrial networking equipment he regularly saw customers committing to purchase only to see inventory sit on the shelves waiting months for national wireless carriers to build a secure private network (PN). There had to be an easier way! Enter CyberReef, a hosted PN solution that not only reduced the deployment time from months to days but alleviated the stress on IT departments in implementing the solution.
Determining the company name narrowed the sphere of influence, the decision was made to evolve into CyberReef, and the results were immediate. Not only did the company reach a more diverse customer pool they discovered the pain of managing mobile internet was bigger than protecting their devices in the Internet of Things (IoT). The bigger threat to expenses was employee misuse of company-provided tablets and MiFi devices; Without a way to control these devices, the only choice for companies was to pay overages or pay more for higher data plans. Quickly the team honored their core mission and built a solution to make customers’ lives easier.
The result, a fully customizable multi-service offering that allows customers to build their own corporate mobile internet. CyberReef’s customers have seen an average of 50-70% reduction in total data usage and are projected to save millions in 2021.
CyberReef welcomes you to explore their services in more detail and looks forward to partnering with you to reduce your expenses!
For more information and pricing on CyberReef, click the button below and ask Mike today.