4 Tips on How to Secure Your Business in the Mobile World

July 15, 2014 Aerocom


With everyone today using their mobiles devices at work, you may be worried about the overall security of your company information. The popularity of Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) in the Mobile Device Management (MDM) game may also leave you wondering if all the devices in your network are being controlled and secured.

Don’t be left wondering if your network is safe enough from an attack. Defend yourself against unwanted access and security breaches. You can stay defensive with Mobile Device Management (MDM) and not feel as if you are simply handing over your company information.

Here are the 4 security tips that we recommend for each business in the mobile world:

1) Download and Keep Updated with Antimalware Software

Malware is not only for computers and laptops anymore. Since everyone is adapting into the new mobile world, the virus game has targeted the unaware and newbies. There are many Antimalware software available for download today for all types of smartphones and tablets.

2) Use Password Controls and Strong Verification

Make sure that the mobile devices attached to your network have at least a password barrier in order to access the company applications and data. There should also be different forms of authentication so that a user cannot simply get granted access without any effort.

If there is ever an issue where a user cannot access the data or application within the mobile device, a company should have access to wipe out the company information side of the mobile device.

3) Develop Separate and Secured Mobile Gateways

It is recommended that companies with high sensitive information to have a separate mobile gateway for users. This would include customized firewalls and security options designed by the company. Containerization is a specific method that many companies have adapted with the help of MDM.

4) Test Networks with Monthly Mobile Security Audits

You may know that technology is always updating and developing. Using this common fact, a business should always be monitoring and having scheduled quarterly or monthly audits within their mobile networks. This way your business can be on their toes and steps ahead of planned attacks.

If you want to find out more tips and information on mobile device security and Mobile Device Management (MDM), team up with an AeroCom Genius today! 



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