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Bluehost is the leading web hosting solutions provider specializing in WordPress. Since its founding in 2003, Bluehost has been trusted by millions of people because it makes it easy to build, launch, and grow WordPress websites without boundaries. Bluehost delivers a suite of WordPress solutions designed with the perfect mix of guidance, tools, and expertise to build a professional website. Bluehost is a part of the Newfold Digital family of brands.

Bluehost products include eCommerce, Websites, Domains, Hosting, WordPress, and Website Builderfor your business needs

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23 Reviews

Bare Metal Cloud (Private Cloud)


The only good thing about bluehost is it is cheap. if you are a web-designer or planning to host more than one website, stay away from them. they cut bandwidth after certain size and website ,even cpanel logins are very slow. I had to move to somewhere else after 6 months. heard a lot of good reviews but this is my personnel opinion


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10 Reviews

Bare Metal Cloud (Private Cloud)


i have used bluehost shared hosting to host a static wordpress site. i fell for their cheap price but never again. it is very slow 24/7 but you get what you paid for. it is good very companies that just need to upload a website for the sake of it.

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